What is Play Therapy?

I use play therapy in my work with children - for the simple reason that play is how children (of all ages) communicate.  Kids typically do not come to therapy to talk - because adults generally talk AT THEM rather than TO them at their level.  Play is a way to bridge and talk to kids on their level.

In working with children I use what is called child-centered techniques.  That means the child gets to choose what we talk about or do during the session.  Depending on the age or needs of the child, this can look very different to what adults typically think of as therapy.  The stages of treatment are generally:

Benefits of utilizing Play Therapy, according to the Association for Play Therapy (APT), for children include:

Sessions are typically 50-55 minutes long and take place on a weekly or bi-weekly (every two week) basis.  According to the Association for Play Therapy, "it takes an average of 20 play therapy sessions to resolve the problems of the typical child referred for treatment."    I work closely with parents/guardians to discuss progress with treatment, to adjust time between sessions, and determine when to begin transitioning out of treatment.  When parents/guardians are involved in treatment, the treatment is more effective.

More information can also be found on the Association for Play Therapy website (a4pt.org)